A few weeks back we had a major storm that did some damage like blowing down both gates and breaking seven fence posts. Six of the seven down spouts were plugged. We had a mini lake in our front yard. A roof tile flew off and smashed just in front of the truck and with every gust of wind you could see and feel the roots of our largest tree coming out of the ground. To top all of that off we had our own indoor drip system. Unfortunately, the water was coming through our kitchen window soaking our counter and the shelf below the window. Not exactly the drip system anyone really wants!

Eric ended up getting sent home early from work and saved our tree by cutting some major branches to keep it from falling over. He also had to create a make-shift shelter to stop the rain from pouring in, literally; and he dug a drain to keep our lake from getting any bigger. All of this and Daniel really felt a need to help. Never wanting to dampen that enthusiasm and since he had new rain boots and coat, I dressed both Luke and Daniel up and sent them out in the crazy weather.

Daniel lasted the longest helping Daddy by grabbing a tool or wood. Ellie didn't have rain boots like her brothers, but she got her coat on anyway and watched through the window. Thankfully we never lost power like some did and we feel very blessed to have come away with so little damage comparably. Everything but one gate has been fixed and we're back to our same old happenings. Hopefully there will be more pictures to come this year.