The next few posts will probably be about Daniel's b-day since we've just finished our celebrations. Daniel had been counting the days until his birthday and we were very excited to share with so many friends and family. Daniel received so many calls and this year was the first year he knew why they were calling. Every time he had a HUGE grin on when each person wished him a Happy Birthday. Uncle Jeff and and Kitty started it all off by calling midnight their time on the day of his birthday so the celebration even started a day early for Daniel!
We went as a family to an arcade/mini golf place and played skee ball, rode cars, and even raced in the Daytona 500. Daniel really wanted to wear his special birthday hat from school so everyone knew he was the birthday boy!

Beep! Beep! Ellie can't look.

"Watch out!" says Luke. "I still can't look!" says Ellie.

We're ready for the Daytona 500 to begin!