I could possibly write on Hawaii the rest of the year and next, but I won't. I'll just add a few here and there. The first full day there we went straight to the beach and the boys loved being able to get wet in the ocean. We've been to Monterrey, but that is COLD! They still played, but just not as long and they certainly didn't boogie board in CA! Everyday was, "Are we going to the beach today?" How fun that we could go!

Ellie was the most adventurous one that first day and Daniel had to hold her up so she didn't fall down in the waves. He was such a big helper the entire trip. It's just like him to want to help and watch over his little sister.

I didn't know there were jellyfish in Hawaii, but yes, they exist. Apparently they come 8-10 days after a full moon. Thankfully we were at the tail end of that and there were no incidents. We had a wonderful time just playing in the water and sand. Sand pictures can come later though.

After this body surfing adventure, both boys thought the ocean was fun!!!! We decided to try boogie boarding after this and the boys had tons of fun doing that too. I'll have to share more pictures later. Hawaii anytime is a great time!