We had a wonderful time getting to eat different kinds of food. Pineapple was everywhere! If you ordered a meal at McD's pineapple came with it!!!! We even had pineapple ice cream with pineapple on top at the Dole pineapple plantation. We had a different experience every night and I loved trying everything new! I thought Hawaii was great for their weather, but the food was delicious! The different venues also provided a great atmosphere. Here we had our own hut!

This was a favorite for the food and view. It does a 360 degree rotation to show you Wakiki. We went at sunset for the best views!

Here Ellie is trying to keep her hat on her head due to windy conditions.

One of our dinners we ate inside but it was almost like we were outside since the restaurant opened onto the beach. It was so windy that the sauce we poured onto our fish didn't go straight down, it poured at an angle. The food was superb and the memories we have will always make me smile!

Speaking of smiling, whenever we had a buffet the kids loved it because that always meant more than one kind of dessert!

Eric loved the all you can eat because that meant more of what he loves!

Here was a Mexican restraunt that gave everyone balloon hats. Luke was scared at first but when everyone else joined in the fun, so did he.

Here's one more view of our food. If you're a meat-eater than this is heaven.
Love the personal hut! Love the chocolaty smiles on all the kids, even to Ellie's big grin in the way back! Love the fancy plate of meat- so fancy indeed!- with even the leaf decorating the table! And, hey! I spy a Banana Republic shirt, yet in brown rather than baby blue!!! ;-) Am I observant or what?! :-) Eating out in HA was one of our favorite parts too!!!!! Oh, and one more thing. I will have you know that I am now officially TOTALLY craving fresh pineapple, and I am sure I will not get it out of my mind until I can have some! Yummo!
I'm not sure who had a bigger smile- the kids with the chocolate pudding or Eric with the crab legs! I love the picture of you with the wind in your hair. How great that you and Eric could laugh at such situations. I guess that is why you are such great traveling companions, and we have such fun memories.
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