For more Christmas Fun see Grandma L's blog http://notsocandidcamera.blogspot.com/2007/12/christmas-pictures_29.html
After this body surfing adventure, both boys thought the ocean was fun!!!! We decided to try boogie boarding after this and the boys had tons of fun doing that too. I'll have to share more pictures later. Hawaii anytime is a great time!
If any of you remember this was the scene in the first season where they play golf. We also saw some of the bunker where they shoot also. I'll show more beach pictures later. This was just one of the fun days spent in Aloha land.
To see a sneak peak at Hawaii you can see Eric's mom's blog at http://notsocandidcamera.blogspot.com/2007/11/aloha.html
Yes, he's C. Kent or is it Superman?! I couldn't resist being his L. Lane even if it was only dressing up for the kids.