Since I've posted so much about Ellie lately, I didn't want to leave out the boys. God definitely gave me opposites in them in most cases but I wanted to share some of the similarities of "My Boys." First and foremost (and all the uncles will be proud) they both equally HATE pink and pretty much anything associated with that color. Even Tink-r Bell gets an "Ewww" out of both of them even though she's associated with blue. They love it for their sister and other girls but NOT for them. Daniel can like red and green and Luke blue but they both despise pink!

They compliment each other and I don't just mean they can work well together although that can happen too. It's the verbal ones I'm talking about. The other day Luke told a friend of his that, "I do everything Daniel does." In context he was saying not that he
can do it all, but that he
wants to do it all simply because his big brother does it. Daniel is constantly saying how he loves something that Luke does. Just yesterday Luke was looking at a drawing he did about six months ago that had lines that were more than a little squiggly. Luke was saying that he didn't like it and Daniel was the first to jump right in and say he "loved" his work and how he "did a great job." Luke and Daniel, without either of them knowing the other was doing it, tried to get uniform numbers that were the age of the other. Daniel got number 4 and Luke was sad when he didn't get #6.

They both LOVE fun! Really who doesn't? But these two can join forces when tickling or tag or laughing is involved. As any youngster does, they love the slapstick comedy especially if it's cartoonish. They love to make up their fun from tents out of couch pillows (sound familiar anyone???) to goofy stories. I love hearing their deep belly laughs when they get tickled to their high squeals when they're chasing eachother. That has got to be the best sound!
Finally, they're both competitive. Whether it's a race or number of catches or how many M&M's they ate both of them love to compete and win. This may just be because they're siblings and they're so close, but it's one more similarity. They challenge each other (and sometimes me!), but when they work together they become an amazing team that I love to cheer on. Go Boys!
(And now a random picture I've been meaning to post. :-)