This was Luke's first year of T-ball and guess who played for???? The Rockies! You can probably imagine how excited I was about all of this. Or maybe you can't, but I was THRILLED! Now if only I can convince Daniel's team they need to be the Rockies....

Guess who else was thrilled? Yep, Poppa!

Luke sees someone taking pictures!

His throw to first.

Now his run to first. You can see in the background that I'm taking another angle of this picture.
This one pretty much sums up my fun-loving boy! He didn't let waiting to bat keep him from enjoying the time. Why not see if this way fits better? Great job Luke! We love you!
Very nice pictures and an even better looking little boy. I didn't get a unifrom that nice until I was playing high school.
Grandpa Lascurain
I remember that everyone loved the name of my first T-ball team also. They let us pick our own name and we picked: 49ers!
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