This was Daniel's first day of practice so I had to dress him in our favorite team! It's exciting to see how much he's improved! At the beginning of the season he had a hard time catching a ball and throwing was very erratic. Now in just a few months he can play catch with you easily and throws a ball that I can catch. Batting before was done by tossing to him and he did pretty well at that, but hitting off the tee took some getting used to. Now he's hitting from one end of the front yard to the other, not just hitting the ball that dribbles off the tee. Wow!

Our first game and Daniel is just waiting to bat.

Coach Eric places the ball to hit. (This was our most recent game.) What a joy that Daddy is able to coach his team. We have a wonderful head coach and he and Eric make a great coaching team.

Coach Eric is usually at first base instructing the boys on base-running.

Daniel awaits his turn in the field.

Good job boys!

High five couz!
From the first practice to his most recent game Daniel has loved, and I mean LOVED baseball! Almost everyday Eric will bat or throw with him and I sometimes get a chance to chime in a few pointers and throws. I love it and so does Daniel. I'm so proud of him because he really initiates practice and loves it! He's determined and works hard to do his best. I love to see these qualities in him and it's great to share a love of the game. Take me out to the ball-game!
Nina, These are some Great photos!!!! I love them. So special to see Eric interacting with Daniel out on the field, and to see Daniel's little back with his name on his shirt is precious too. I really like baseball too. I hope I'll get to be a mommy at some games too. I'm glad you've been having fun, and also getting the joy of watching a child's great passion and interest develop strongly in something. You know what our C's passion is! :) It's so fun to watch it blossom! Play ball Daniel!! We want to see you in action in your backyard soon! Gosh, and if life weren't so busy, it'd actually be very fun to see you in action at a real game too.
How fun it was to see the cousins supporting each other and to witness the high five! Thanks for including me!
Grandma Lascurain
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