Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Here's a few pictures from a very grand party for Luke. He's now a big 0-4! Luke loved seeing his friends, racing like the real cars, the water balloons and oh, the cupcakes and Treat Fleet Cars were a hit. Happy Birthday Luke!

We're following the pace car before the big race.

Ellie is racing right along with them.

Grandpa gives her a little help!

Ready, Set, Throw!

The kids loved the swiss cake roll cars!

This was a few days before at our local HD store. They had a real race car in front and the two men found out Luke was having a birthday party with race cars as its theme so they showed him the cars and even started the engine just for him. When we left he said, "Mommy, I want to race one of those cars." Then thinking about it longer he said, "A RED one!" Here's to my little racer, Dream Big!


joysmallpack said...

Happy Birthday LUKE!!!!!
I noticed Ellie in the crowd right away and thought, oh my goodness! =) She keeps wowing me at how she is growing! Then when I saw the pic of Grandpa giving her a boost, I just loved it! Great, great picture of those three! The water balloon pic is so fun, and as I've already told you but it's worth saying again, your treat fleet cars are amazing and oh so fun for the kiddos! (I want one along with them though!) And last but not least, I loved hearing of the excitement at HD for Luke-- very cool! So glad the party day was so happy! Happy 4 Luke!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun party. You are such good party planners. I'm sorry to have missed this party, although I'm not sure I could have kept up with Willi!
