Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Treat Fleet Cars

"Eyes" Cars (as Luke likes to say!)

Tail Lights

I thought I would share the cars I did for Luke's birthday. I call them my "Treat Fleet Cars" because there were so many treats of cars. They were super yummy and easy to make.

Here's how to make them:
Two boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls
Or-o Mini's
Gummy Bears
Yogurt covered Raisins
Red Hots
Chocolate Frosting

Use one cake roll. Separate the or-o mini's and add frosting to the inside. Attach wheels. Use one side of an or-o for the steering wheel and just press into the cake roll. Add frosting to the bottom of the bear and seat behind the wheel. Cut the raisins in half and add frosting to the front and back of the cake roll. Gently press the halves of the raisins into the cake roll in the front. On the back add the red hots. You now have one Treat Fleet Car. Makes 24 cars (if you don't eat one in the process!)

1 comment:

joysmallpack said...

*Thank You* for sharing with us!!! :) I can't wait to someday make these for you know who!!!! : )