Thursday, August 2, 2007

Backpacking Part Two

Apparently there's a lot of rock up there and they hiked above the tree line as well. I think I've only been above the treeline once and that was with Eric (funny how that is!)

On day two there were some change of plans due to unforeseen events and they ended up climbing this bowl unfortunately they had to climb in the rain, sleet, and then hail. No worries, Eric stayed Boy Scout dry and the guys all made it to camp, which was just on the other side of the ridge. Then out came the sun and dried up all the rain (can't you hear the itsy, bitsy spider song???) :-) (It's one of the kids favorites and did you know there are other verses to the song? But I'm digressing.)

That was the only real rain of the trip and Eric loves a challenge so he not only made the best of it, but seemed to enjoy it!

This is Eric halfway up taking shelter under a boulder. You can't tell in the picture but apparently it was raining pretty hard and hailing. They eventually had to keep going despite the rain and hail if they were going to make camp. As you can see Eric's smile is huge! Hiking is fun no matter what situation you're faced with. ;-)

Of course you'll have to hear the whole story and as it's longer than I have time to write, I'll let him tell the details since I'm sure he'd love to tell it. For now I'll just provide a few more pictures on the surroundings and I'll have to wait until next time to finish the story.

One night on the trail....(sounds like the beginning of a story I'd tell the boys. Who knows maybe Eric already has!) I remember seeing this moon from my stay with Eric's Mom and I wondered if he was seeing the same one. How fun Eric got this picture even many, many, many miles apart.

1 comment:

Katie and the Fam said...

Your moon comment is so cute. How fun that he got a picture of it.