Monday, August 6, 2007


We have some good friends who have two girls one a little older than Daniel and one between Daniel and Luke's age. The girls both love my kids and especially Ellie, and being girls they sometimes want to play more than cars although they all seem to play many different things. Daniel and Luke have even been an audience for a ballet recital, but they also dance (as I said before, though, it's more like running in circles) in their own way.

Most of the time I didn't know that Ellie was paying any attention to the dancing. I've seen her run with the boys, but lately when she hears music she does more than act like a little hula girl and move her hips from side to side. Now, she puts up one arm and then the other. I couldn't figure out what she was doing until this last weekend when we were able to see our friends again. Both little girls really dote on Ellie and she in turn adores them both. I saw Cortnie dancing a few ballet steps and I've seen Audree do the same. I still had not figured out what this arm thing was for Ellie until I realized she was imitating the girls. Ellie is being a ballerina! If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then Ellie is sincere in her flattery. :-) Ellie may love her brothers, but there's something about being with the girls that's special.

1 comment:

Katie and the Fam said...

Very sweet - I can't wait to go to one of her dance recitals one day.