Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bike Lessons

As I said before Daniel loved, loved, loved bike riding. We all went at one point over 2.5 miles, which is long ride for a little guy. Luke and Ellie both rode in a seat or the bike trailer so it wasn't a strain for them. They were able to enjoy the wind in their face and watch the trees go past.

Side note: Ellie loves the wind in her face! Whenever we're in the truck and we roll down the windows she squeals in delight and kicks hands and feet trying beat back the wind. At first we thought maybe that meant she didn't like it, but when we rolled up the windows she just pointed to let us know she wanted it back down. So the wind in her face on the trip was exciting and fun for her!

Daniel and Luke loved riding their bikes around camp and Daniel had some good Daddy and Me time when everyone was taking a nap. Daddy took off the training wheels and helped him ride up and down the asphalt in front of our campsite. It was such a wonderful sight. It's these little life-markers that remind you time marches on and to be thankful everyday for the seemingly ordinary things that are blessings in disguise.

Luke racing around camp.

Daniel doing some "spinning" in place. (His back tire was high-centered because of the training wheels so he couldn't go anywhere, but rode really, really fast in place.)


Anonymous said...

Has this really been up since Aug. 29? Whew, I must have been busy. I looked to see first day of school pictures and saw this old entry. :-)

How fun that you guys thought to take the bikes on a camping trip!

Anonymous said...

Well said.