This summer we went camping as a family. It was somewhat last minute but the kids have been talking about going back since we left. It's amazing what you can do with sticks and rocks. It was very relaxing and we are definitely going back! Who knew the West was still untamed?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Ok, so I wouldn't have considered myself a true girly-girl until my 20's, but I have always enjoyed dressing up! Ellie has truly inherited that gene from me. In a span of two hours she can change five times and when it's time to pick up Daniel from school she's onto her sixth outfit! Her favorites are skirts and tights with fancy red sparkley shoes. Anything with those red shoes! She doesn't care if they match, all she cares about is that they can reflect sunlight in the car because they're so sparkley! She equally loves her purses and bags like the one Aunt Katie sent below.
I happened to be at my parents with camera in hand and when I took this picture and it reminded me of myself, so I had to pull out mine. The color is much different and scanned it's hard to see details, but there's some serious cheek resemblance! I love seeing other's then and I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
What are we doing now?
Around our house you never know what's going to happen! Seriously, when it was just Eric and me, I never knew what project or fun thing Eric was thinking of doing next. One day I would be trying to fill a bath with water and the next Eric is re-plumbing the entire house. Or when I was eight months pregnant with Daniel, Eric thought we needed an addition to our three bedroom house, so we talked to the local realtor about the value difference and almost the next night we had the house sold. Or another was adding an addition (to the next house) and less than a year later tranferring, thus moving out of our made-for-us house. All of that to say that I never truly know when Eric says, "Nina, come out here...." what it's going to mean. He could be showing me a new flower or he could be about to demolish the house, one just never knows. So when he called me outside last weekend, this is what I found...
My little boy is about to burst those cheeks with a smile this big because Daddy let him help dig a hole! We're not doing anything drastic to the house, but we did make a major decision as far as our tree! It now makes a pretty good backstop, or so I'm told.
Now here's my wonderful smiling hubby planting (in the rain!) our christmas present. (His grin is almost as big and I LOVE it!)

I would not have my life any other way! Life is too short to waste a moment. Thanks for the adventures, Eric!
Here by popular demand is a picture of Daniel and Luke in the snowcave. It was pretty big in there despite the angle of the picture.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Are we going in the Limosine?

Friday, January 9, 2009
Ok, a friend of mine Alicia "tagged" me which I'm not sure I know exactly what it means, but I think it might be fun assuming I have it correct. Essentially it's a way to show random pictures so here it goes...
This was taken June of 2008 just when Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kitty sent Luke a Birthday present. It was by far the largest! This shuttle could be a life raft! All the kids loved it and couldn't get enough of it! So, there it is, my "tagged" picture. Now, I'm supposed to pass it on so hopefully we can see more fun random pictures. Annmarie, Katie, Jeff, Larry, and Joyce can open their picture file, select the fifth folder and then the fifth picture and then post it. Hopefully there will be some fun stories to share! Thanks U.J and A.K for providing ours!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
It Snows Here!
Can you imagine people in CO just stopping next to the highway to play in snow???? No. Driving to play in snow on the side of road? No. You don't have to, it's in your front yard! Sometimes I can't get the "snow" bug out of my system, but thankfully it snows here too. The funny thing is, it's popular to just stop at an exit and get out and play in the snow on the side of the road. So, within an hour I can have the benefit of snow during winter when I want it and I don't have to shovel it....ever. There's also this little but funny difference. In CO when you want to to play in snow i.e. snowboard, sled, etc, you say you're "going to the mountains." Here you say you're "going to the snow." You're still going into the mountains here, but I guess since you can stop on the side of a freeway just before the mountains you can accurately call it "going to the snow. "
Needless to say went "to the snow" on New Year's Day. Like I said, I love that I can get that out of my system. (Although, I think it's born in me and won't go away ever!) It can get cold and wet but that day it was just plain beautiful! We went sledding, made snow caves, and drank our hot chocolate. I think just maybe it was my favorite New Year's Day yet!
Eric digging out our snow cave and boy was it big!
Needless to say went "to the snow" on New Year's Day. Like I said, I love that I can get that out of my system. (Although, I think it's born in me and won't go away ever!) It can get cold and wet but that day it was just plain beautiful! We went sledding, made snow caves, and drank our hot chocolate. I think just maybe it was my favorite New Year's Day yet!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Notice Ellie had to have her doll even while pushing Daniel.
Ellie loved her hamper and blanket. The boys now say their blankets are their favorite!
Grandmas got rocks this year....with little handprints on them. :-)
Just what they wanted. :-)
Grandpa and Ellie.
Uncle Allan was able to join us for Christmas and this little game provided a fun activity as did trying to get all sides of a rubix cube done.
Daniel playing tennis against another victim. He beats everyone at it!
Grandma and Grandpa L celebrated with us before Christmas.
Larry's S.P.A.M. Look for more to come!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
This year has been an exciting year with T-Ball, camping, school starting and seeing family, we've loved it and can't wait to see what happens in 2009! We leave 2008 with a few pictures and hopefully more posts to come. Happy New Year!
As you can see he didn't quite make it to midnight awake. :-)

We watched St-r W-rs: The Cl-ne W-rs and the boys were so excited. Daniel then said just before it started that, "I want to sit next to my buddy."
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