Around our house you never know what's going to happen! Seriously, when it was just Eric and me, I never knew what project or fun thing Eric was thinking of doing next. One day I would be trying to fill a bath with water and the next Eric is re-plumbing the entire house. Or when I was eight months pregnant with Daniel, Eric thought we needed an addition to our three bedroom house, so we talked to the local realtor about the value difference and almost the next night we had the house sold. Or another was adding an addition (to the next house) and less than a year later tranferring, thus moving out of our made-for-us house. All of that to say that I never truly know when Eric says, "Nina, come out here...." what it's going to mean. He could be showing me a new flower or he could be about to demolish the house, one just never knows. So when he called me outside last weekend, this is what I found...

My little boy is about to burst those cheeks with a smile this big because Daddy let him help dig a hole! We're not doing anything drastic to the house, but we did make a major decision as far as our tree! It now makes a pretty good backstop, or so I'm told.

Now here's my wonderful smiling hubby planting (in the rain!) our christmas present. (His grin is almost as big and I LOVE it!)
I would not have my life any other way! Life is too short to waste a moment. Thanks for the adventures, Eric!
Here by popular demand is a picture of Daniel and Luke in the snowcave. It was pretty big in there despite the angle of the picture.
Yippee for a new tree! What kind is it???
The picture of Luke reminds me of a picture I have of another little boy digging a hole in the yard. I guess Luke takes after his uncle.
That Christmas gift tree is just a little larger than the one I gave him last year.
Luke is beyond cute. I love that picture. And yes, it certainly reminds me of a picture of Jeff in a big hole, and then there are the old snow cave pictures. The fun never ends.
Grandma L.
A hole in the ground or a hole in the snow it's like a fortress or solitute. A boy's sanctuay where no girl belongs.
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