Daniel asked that question the day after we got our new car. Yes, I've done it. I'm a.....Minivan Mom!!! The same friend who tagged me the other day said I would become one and I certainly did! I'm excited to say it's made my life easier and I love the look of this one! It will always be a minivan, and yet that's the beauty of it. It's amazing what we women do for fashion....wear the worst feeling underwear imagineable just to avoid the dreaded "lines." We pull and pluck and rub and scrub our face to death just to try and avoid "age." And we drive around in humongous vehiles that guzzle gas and have gargantuan doors that bang into everyone else's car door just so we can avoid the dreaded soccer mom Minivan. Well, no more, ok...at least as far as those gargantuan doors go. While I'll probably always have that twinge of "am I really old enough," I realize that yes, it's time. Just today, I had to stop somewhere and the kids got out of their seats and sprawled, and I mean
sprawled out on the floor to read their books! The kids have been very supportive and excited in my transition from young mom to full-fledged momishness.

Being a mom has been the highlight of my 'career' and I'm learning new things everyday. I never have nor never will have all the answers and most of the time I feel I'm flying....by the seat of my pants. Thankfully, I've had wonderful examples in my life. My mom is the sweetest, most loving, compassionate women I know and there's nothing she wouldn't do for you ~ and that goes for anyone not just her family! She did it all with a Ford Bronco and I assured her growing up that we did NOT need a minivan with only the three of us! So my mom had an extra two or three seats to carpool with still. All that to say I avoided the minivan even then. Eric's mom who is just as wonderful is a great example of raising three remarkable children and can organize like nobodies business. She on the other hand did it in a Minivan and had like my mom two to three seats to work with. Since after Daniel came two more blessings for us, my Ford could no longer do what our moms had done for us and so.....it was time. It's with a little sadness that I let go of some of my youth and embrace the life I've been exceedingly blessed with. It's fun and I'm excited to see what a trip to Disneyland will hold!

Here's a few more quotes from my sweet children over the last few days....Luke ~ "Mom, this is a really cute car." Daniel ~ "I'm excited for you to have a new car. It's really nice." Ellie (when told we are going in the new car, her response is always a yelled, "YEAH!" Thanks guys!
How cute that Daniel thinks it is a Limo. And yet it is - so big, so many seats, and a driver to take him wherever he wants to go. I vote that he continues to call it a limo.
Grandma L.
Yeah for minivans, they really are wonderful aren't they? I didn't know it was such a sticking point for you. We are actually looking into a 12 seater now that we are a family of 8. For now we have purchased a second 3 row bench and have one in the middle and one in the back so we all still "fit" in the minivan, but it is tight!
Oh, the minivan... we had a lot of fun vacations in the minivan. I think I would get a minivan too, if that ment I got to sleep on trips again. :-)
I'm happy to hear that you and your kids love it. I like that Luke thinks it's "cute." Aren't kids great?
Ahh yes the mini van. I know it well. Don't worry Nina, Daniel has several more years before he starts asking you if he can drive you somewhere.
Grandpa L.
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