Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cute Antics

~Daniel playing cars and singing "On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again...."

~Luke saying "Varooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm" :)

~Ellie saying "Please" in sign language

~Ellie doing a hi-five on Eric's feet

~Daniel saying "Can I give you one more hug and kiss?!"

~Luke saying "I'm this (holding up three fingers) many."

I read a book to the boys and they wanted to hear it again so I read the first page and started to turn to the next one and Luke says, "No, we need to talk about this page."

I love it all!!!

1 comment:

Katie and the Fam said...

Luke wanting to TALK about the page is so cute. And as a teacher, I'll tell you...that is what we TRY to get our students to do! (Even if he's doing it just to get out of going to sleep, it shows that you TALK about the pages with them and that's great!!) - Mrs. Morrow :)