Daniel's friend labeled this week officially as "Friend's Week" since we're seeing so many friends and family. Our former neighbors have two little girls, the youngest, Abby, is only three weeks apart from Ellie in age and I simply love getting to see them together. Daniel and Luke love to spend time with the oldest little girl who is the same age as Daniel. We miss them terribly, but it's always fun to see old friends. We had a wonderful time (especially the moms!) getting to hang out and chat. The kids played in the Elmo sprinkler and on the slip 'n slide (do you remember those??? You know, the kind you run as fast as you can and then dive-head first-onto a slick piece of plastic that is maybe 2 1/2 feet wide? As kids we all thought it was a blast to see how fast we could throw our little bodies onto the ground!) I cringe at the thought of it for myself now but I loved it then! So...it was hard to
explain to the boys how to run and slide without actually doing it! OK, so they just loved sliding around and the boys actually did some cool slides on their knees, but just being in spraying water was a blast for all of us, even the spectators. Abby and Ellie even got in on the Elmo sprinkler, but both thought that brownies our other neighbor, Leila, brought looked like a better option than the crazy stuff the older kids were doing. :-) We truly had a wonderful time and we're so thankful to have times like these with our friends!
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