Thursday, July 26, 2007


Every time the kids go to my parents they ask to play the "Race Car Song" which is Real Gone from the soundtrack CARS. Once it's on they race around and around and around the dining room table. The "race" is complete with little boy crashes where they fall down and need "new tires" from Grandpa who actually just tickles them and then picks them up so they can race again. Sometimes Grandpa even announces who's passing whom and that "Missy" (Ellie) has entered the race.

Luke is so engrossed on driving, he even has his hands like he's steering and must make sure the car makes the proper varoom sound. It's neat to see how intensely serious he is about the race. Daniel love the dramatic car pile ups and makes sure there's at least one a lap. Ellie loves to race just as much as the boys and usually is lapped at least once every 10 seconds, but she giggles and laughs the entire time. I think she thinks the boys are chasing her and she just loves the chase if not the race. Of course she has to have her purse with her at all times and heaven forbid she drop it. She will go against traffic and pick it up no matter the danger! It's the funnest thing to watch all my little ones have a blast doing the same thing in their own way.