We had a truly relaxing weekend. We went where we wanted, when we wanted, and it was unbelievably quiet. It's now kind of nice to hear the boys "shhing" each other down the hall and the ride home with all of them was wonderful to hear their little voices. So, now to share what we all did this weekend. Eric and I went by ourselves to dinner and a play on board a paddle boat! I think this was only the second time we've spent sans kids for overnight since they were born and it turned out to be a beautiful evening. We loved walking around the boat and just getting to be together. Grandma and Grandpa W watched the kids so Eric and I decided to sleep in and then go hiking.

This made me laugh......when I started putting on hiking boots, underneath my toes were very girly! They are a dark pink color! I love being both rugged and girly too. Who says I can't be both!

So....we went on a hike to a peak (some of you may remember that almost eight years ago Eric proposed on another peak) and then decided to fish in the lake below the peak afterward. We found a pier at the lake to just relax and fish and read. We drove home and decided it might be fun to see a movie, but the movie was sold out. As we walked back to our car we saw four guys come out of the bushes (of the theatre parking lot mind you) with
fishing poles!!!! We didn't even know there was anything behind the bushes so being the inquisitive people that we were (and the fact that we still had Eric's pole in the back of the truck) we decided to see what was there. Low and behold there was a bike path and a little creek and even a flat rock bank so I could pull up a chair and catch up on my reading. We did end up getting Eric's pole and on his first cast he caught a fish. With the fish he caught at the lake and then another at the river he caught a total of three fish (all small so they had to go back) and we had a fantastic time sharing the small pleasures in our day. :-)

(If you can see the peak to the right of Eric's head, that's where we hiked to a few hours before.)
We did a lot of quick trips hear and there and realized even more that we really still love each other's company! :-) It was good to spend time with just each other and even better to come home to three little wonderful children with all their hugs and laughs. What a big blessing!
You look beautiful my friend!!! AND so happy! I loved reading about your weekend and am glad you two had such an enjoyable time. Happy Anniversary to a special couple and special friends!!!
What? A weekend alone? No fair. Just playin'. I'm glad you had such a great time...and your hair is mighty straight, Nina! Whoo-hoo sleek and sexy.
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